Today As I Run by Hank Seipp

Today As I Run

by Hank B. Seipp

Today as I run through my forest with the sounds of chopper blades cutting the air, I am trying to hide, run, keep my puppies safe.

To no avail.

The collar on the neck of a family member keeps the helicopter flying above our heads.

We Run.

We are thirsty and exhausted as they run us toward a clearing, our tongue’s hanging out of our mouths.

We run

Our lungs are on fire our feet and legs are so sore.

We Run

My puppies are frightened and so am I, they yelp in fear as the helicopter approaches again,

We Hide,

We Run.

In desperation, my pups hide and I step into the clearing to feel the crashing, burning pain, my feet will not move, I drag myself forward using my front legs to pull me, I am in pain.

My puppies scatter, I hear a loud bang and then a yelp, I can’t protect them, I crawl to see my puppy laying motionless on the ground.

I cry

My pack mates begin falling as the large bird in the sky sends explosions of pain through my family.

We cry

A human walks out of the woods, the swirling dust around me, I see him point a stick at members of my family.

There is an explosion and they die.

He walks toward me, pointing his stick at me. I close my eyes, darkness,  freedom from pain.

This poem has been turned into a short film.  Please see the trailer below.