February 14, 2024 Update: Thank you for taking action on Senate Joint Resolution 8208, which failed to pass the Washington Senate, its house of origin, by the cut-off date of February 13, 2024. Sign up below to be informed of future actions! Historical information is below.
Senate Joint Resolution 8208 would amend the Washington constitution to elevate the “right” to hunt, fish, and trap over measures designed to promote biodiversity, prevent cruelty, and protect the ability of the vast majority of Washingtonians to enjoy nature.
Please let your senator know that they have a responsibility to protect and preserve state wildlife and the rights of all Washington citizens—not promote the agenda of the NRA, which has already succeeded in passing similar measures in 23 other states. If approved, SJR 8208 would:
- Permanently block the citizens of Washington from changing state fish and wildlife policy through ballot initiatives.
- Hinder the legislature from approving measures designed to conserve fish and wildlife, by subjecting every law that limits hunting, fishing, and trapping to a potential legal challenge about whether it is “reasonable.”
- Stop Washingtonians from shaping state wildlife policy in accordance with evolving science and values, by cementing the continuation of any hunting practice that its adherents claim is “traditional”—no matter how cruel.
- Elevate the interests of the 2% of Washingtonians who hunt over the rights of the rest of the state population to enjoy wildlife through hiking, camping, birding, boating, and wildlife watching.
We need your help to make sure SJR 8208 does not get any farther.