The leadership of the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission is in trouble, and we need your help!
As one of his first acts upon taking office, Gov. Bob Ferguson asked the Washington State Senate to return Gov. Jay Inslee’s appointments of Dr. Tim Ragen and Lynn O’Connor to the Fish & Wildlife Commission. Until this decision Dr. Ragen had served as the Vice-Chair of the Commission, while Ms. O’Connor, a conservationist from rural Ferry County, was a new appointment.
Dr. Ragen has been on the commission for four years, but his term expired at the end of December 2024. Normally, he would continue to serve until a replacement was named, but instead, both Dr. Ragen and Ms. O’Connor were summarily fired, leaving their seats vacant.
Gov. Ferguson insists he is merely trying to ensure an open and transparent process. We take the Governor at his word, but we also know he has been under intense pressure from out-of-state trophy-hunting groups, which generated thousands of emails urging him to revoke these appointments. At the urging of these groups, we hear he might be seriously considering Commission candidates who represent Safari Club International and favor hunting Washington’s wolves.
We do not oppose sustainable and ethical hunting and angling, nor do any current or recent Commissioners (most of whom are hunters and anglers). But we need Commissioners who will prioritize the well-being of wildlife and the health of ecosystems, using science to fulfill their mandate to “protect, preserve, and perpetuate” Washington’s wildlife. We also need Commissioners who will fairly represent the values of the 97% of the Washington public who do not hunt, rather than bowing to special interest groups like the Safari Club. We have made significant progress toward this goal, but Gov. Ferguson’s dismissal of Dr. Ragen and Ms. O’Connor threatens to take us back to the day when the Commission operated as a rubber stamp for often regressive and destructive proposals from Department management. That is why it is so important for Washingtonians to speak out.
Call to Action
Washington’s wildlife deserves strong, science-based leadership that prioritizes wildlife protection. We need your help making sure that Gov. Ferguson knows that Washingtonians support the reappointment of Dr. Tim Ragen and Lynn O’Connor to the Fish & Wildlife Commission.
Please take just a moment to take one or more of the following actions:
Send your personalized letter now through our action tool. It only takes a couple of minutes, and it will automatically send your letter to key people within Gov. Ferguson’s office.
Call Governor Ferguson’s office (360-902-4111) and leave a message expressing your support for Dr. Ragen and Ms. O’Connor, and the importance of Commissioners who will prioritize conservation, protect wildlife, and represent the interests of current and future Washingtonians.
Use our talking points to draft your own email and send it to Governor Ferguson’s staff. Contact these key individuals in the Governor’s office:
- Jaime Martin, Director of External Affairs:
- Kenneth Martin, Deputy Policy Director of Environment, Transportation, and Infrastructure:
- Owen Rowe, Senior Policy Advisor for Natural Resources:
It is critical that Governor Ferguson hears from you. Your action will help protect Washington’s wildlife and ecosystems for generations to come.
Read below to learn more!
Background on Commissioners Ragen and O’Connor
You can find even more detailed information in our talking points.
Dr. Tim Ragen’s Qualifications and Expertise
Dr. Tim Ragen has an outstanding track record in marine conservation and endangered species recovery, making him one of the most qualified commissioners in Washington’s history. As the former Executive Director of the U.S. Marine Mammal Commission, Dr. Ragen led recovery efforts for species like the Steller sea lion and Hawaiian monk seal. His work remains essential for recovering endangered species in Washington, including Southern Resident orcas and wild salmon.
Dr. Ragen’s expertise in adaptive management and his deep understanding of climate change’s impacts on wildlife will help Washington address growing environmental challenges. His commitment to evidence-based decision-making and leadership on the Commission have earned him the respect of stakeholders across the state. His leadership remains crucial as Washington works to protect its wildlife from habitat destruction, overexploitation, and climate change.
Lynn O’Connor’s Qualifications and Expertise
Lynn O’Connor brings a unique and essential perspective to the Fish & Wildlife Commission. As a landowner, wildlife rehabilitator, former park ranger, and community leader, Ms. O’Connor has the experience to bridge divides between rural and urban stakeholders. Her leadership and commitment to conservation make her a strong candidate for the Commission.
Ms. O’Connor’s experience with land stewardship, wildlife rehabilitation, and her ability to collaborate with different community groups would be invaluable in addressing Washington’s wildlife challenges. Her perspective is particularly crucial as we face complex wildlife management, land use, and ecosystem preservation decisions.
Why Did Gov. Ferguson Rescind These Appointments?
Just before leaving office, and after consultation with Governor-Elect Ferguson, Governor Inslee reappointed Dr. Ragen to the Commission and appointed Ms. O’Connor to replace former Commissioner Molly Linville. However, almost immediately upon taking office, Gov. Ferguson asked the Senate to return these appointments for further review. As a reason for this action, he cited “multiple letters, emails and other correspondence from individuals, tribes and other entities expressing a desire for a more extensive process for these appointments.” Several hundred of these letters were from out-of-state, generated by national special interest groups representing trophy hunters.
On February 5, the Senate complied. Normally, the commissioners would have continued to serve until replacements were named, especially Dr. Ragen, who had been serving for four years and previously gained Senate approval. However, the Governor’s office immediately dismissed both commissioners, reaching out to Dr. Ragen for the first time just to inform him he was fired, and contacting Ms. O’Connor only after she had learned about her dismissal from the press.
What Gov. Ferguson Does Next Will Tell Us a Lot About His Administration
Gov. Ferguson’s next steps will determine the direction of state fish and wildlife policy in Washington. It will also tell us a lot about how he balances the interests and values of Washingtonians against external pressure from powerful national special interests. If he decides to reappoint Dr. Ragen and Ms. O’Connor, it would demonstrate:
Respect for Science-Based Wildlife Conservation: Reappointing Dr. Ragen would show Gov. Ferguson supports balanced, science-driven policies to protect Washington’s wildlife, especially endangered species like the Southern Resident orcas.
Representation of Washington’s Values: Reappointment of both Dr. Ragen and Ms. O’Connor would reflect the Governor’s alignment with the values of the 97% of Washingtonians who do not hunt, showing he will prioritize the broad public interest over narrow special interests.
Dedication to Protecting State Wildlife: Supporting these appointments would underscore the Governor’s commitment to preserving Washington’s ecosystems for future generations, even amidst pressures from out-of-state groups. This is especially important now, as national protections are weakened, and wildlife face increasing threats from climate change, habitat loss and degradation, and a global biodiversity crisis.
Commitment to WA’s Endangered Salmon and Orcas: Dr. Ragen’s knowledge and experience are essential if we are serious about recovering the Southern Resident killer whales and wild salmon. We could not find anyone more qualified to lead the commission on these issues, and losing him would be a serious blow to the future of these species.
Thank You for Taking Action!
Your support is critical in ensuring Governor Ferguson prioritizes the protection of Washington’s wildlife and ecosystems. Please share this webpage with your friends, family, and networks!